Prabowo's Pentagon Parley: Fortifying Defense Alliances Amidst Global Complexities -->
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Prabowo's Pentagon Parley: Fortifying Defense Alliances Amidst Global Complexities, Virginia
- The Defense Minister of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, Engages with US Counterpart, Reinforcing Collaboration Amidst Pivotal Global Issues Virginia - In a significant display of defense cooperation commitment, Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto met with the US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd James Austin III, at the Pentagon in Virginia on Thursday (August 24). 

The meeting underlines the enduring strategic partnership between the two nations.

During the meeting, the two parties delved into the longstanding strategic partnership that has spanned years. Both sides concurred on the necessity to strengthen bilateral relations amid the intricate geopolitical landscape.

They reaffirmed the robust foundation of their strategic defense alliance and shared determination to further solidify the ties between their nations. This move aims to ensure the resilience of their relationship, capitalize on future opportunities, and address emerging challenges within the increasingly intricate geopolitical context.

The ministers also commemorated the 75-year diplomatic ties between the US and Indonesia. Over the years, the two countries have held more than 220 defense meetings, ranging from expert exchanges to multilateral exercises like Garuda Shield.

"In unity, Minister Austin and Minister Prabowo reiterated the importance of Indonesia's military modernization and discussed a mutual intent to enhance interoperability through defense capabilities, such as upgrading fighter aircraft, introducing new multi-role fighter aircraft, and expanding fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft," stated the joint declaration by the two nations.

The solid rapport between these two democratic nations is exemplified through the training of thousands of Indonesian military personnel in the US. Moving forward, the collaboration in military education is expected to be further elevated.

Furthermore, both ministers share a common vision for the Indo-Pacific region. They emphasize the significance of upholding peace and prosperity in the area through ASEAN centrality.

"We must collaborate with partners who share similar objectives and are committed to an open, inclusive, and rules-based order," declared the two nations.

The ministers also addressed the ongoing armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

"Austin and Prabowo jointly condemn violations of national sovereignty, as reflected in United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/1 of March 2, 2022," it continued.