PKL Students from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar and Samaelo Village Officials Unite in Community Service for Cleanliness and Well-being -->
Cari Berita

PKL Students from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar and Samaelo Village Officials Unite in Community Service for Cleanliness and Well-being, BONE -
-, August 9, 2023 - Community service activities have proven to be an effective way to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. However, beyond just cleaning, community service also holds the power to strengthen cooperation and solidarity among residents.

On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, PKL students from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Posko 45, collaborated with Samaelo Village officials in the Barebbo District to carry out meaningful community service.

In an effort to uphold the cleanliness and well-being of the surrounding environment, PKL students from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Posko 45, joined forces with the village officials to clean the front yard of the Village Office and its surroundings.

This activity aimed to create a clean and healthy environment, while fostering a comfortable and well-maintained atmosphere within the Samaelo Village Office.

Previously, this community service initiative brought together PKL students from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar, Posko 45, and Samaelo Village officials in a collaborative spirit.

With united efforts, they cleaned and tidied the surrounding area, providing tangible evidence of the importance of active participation in maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the environment.

Beyond the immediate physical benefits, this activity also solidified the bond between students and village officials. This collaborative work is not just about cleaning the environment; it's also about building positive social relationships and enhancing a sense of mutual care for their shared living space.

This community service initiative is a tangible example of how society, especially students, can actively contribute to preserving the cleanliness and beauty of their surroundings.

Furthermore, it showcases that community service can yield a deeper impact, fostering a stronger sense of unity and care within the community.

After the completion of the community service, the momentum of this shared spirit is expected to continue, bringing inspiration and a sense of togetherness to even more individuals within the local community.