Inducting the UNHAN Rector, Prabowo: Show Loyalty to the Country and Nation -->
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Inducting the UNHAN Rector, Prabowo: Show Loyalty to the Country and Nation

BUGISWARTA.COM, Bogor - Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto stated that the Indonesian Defense University (UNHAN) has the opportunity to produce thinkers, experts, and leaders. He mentioned this during the Swearing-In, Inauguration, and Handover Ceremony of the new UNHAN Rector, Major General TNI Jonni Mahroza, at the Red and White Hall of UNHAN in Sentul, Bogor, on Friday (August 4).

"When I served as Minister of Defense, I saw firsthand the significance of UNHAN RI as an institution under my authority. I recognized its strategic importance," said Prabowo.

Due to this, Prabowo urged the UNHAN community to continue working hard to enhance their achievements.

"The people await your achievements. Bright young minds capable of producing prosperity. Let us demonstrate our loyalty to the country and nation, as well as to our leaders. Loyalty is a valuable asset. We must unite and support each other for a better life," said Prabowo.

Minister of Defense Prabowo inaugurated the new UNHAN Rector, Major General TNI Jonni Mahroza, who previously served as Vice Rector for Academic and Planning Affairs at UNHAN. With this appointment, Major General TNI Jonni Mahroza officially replaced the former UNHAN Rector, Rear Admiral TNI (Ret.) Amarulla Octavian.

"I hereby officially inaugurate Major General TNI Jonni Mahroza as the Rector of the Indonesian Defense University. I believe you will carry out your duties to the best of your ability, in accordance with the responsibilities entrusted to you," said Prabowo.

Minister of Defense Prabowo also expressed gratitude and appreciation to the outgoing UNHAN Rector, Rear Admiral TNI (Ret.) Amarulla Octavian, for his service of approximately three years and three months.

Furthermore, Minister of Defense Prabowo extended his appreciation to all UNHAN staff and lecturers for their hard work that has led UNHAN to its current position.