Analyst: Prabowo's Speech on the Legacy of Slamet Riyadi Holds Significance for Gibran -->
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Analyst: Prabowo's Speech on the Legacy of Slamet Riyadi Holds Significance for Gibran, Surakarta -
The recent speech by Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, concerning the exploits of the late Brigadier General (Anumerta) TNI Ignatius Slamet Riyadi, who led a war campaign at the age of 22, has sparked a new perspective within the political context.

Political analyst from Al Azhar University, Ujang Komarudin, interprets Prabowo's speech as having a directed implication towards Gibran.

"Given that the speech was delivered in Solo and it mentioned the history of a young leader from Solo, within the current context, it appears to be indicative towards the current leader of Solo, Gibran," he expressed.

Ujang believes that this could be seen as a signal from Prabowo, showcasing his concern for young leaders who hold the future of Indonesia.

"What Prabowo conveyed reflects his concern for young leaders possessing the capacity, capability, leadership skills, and understanding of the nation's issues," Ujang stated.

In his speech, Prabowo suggests that young age should not be a hindrance for someone to hold a leadership position. He exemplified this notion through Slamet's leadership as the commander of Brigade V during the "General Offensive" from August 7th to 10th, 1949.

"Slamet Riyadi led the struggle at the age of 22. He faced the Dutch. It's not merely age, but the spirit that matters most," responded Prabowo.

Prabowo also referenced the historic "Youth Pledge" event, an initiative by young people in their 20s who united to steer the nation towards independence. He emphasized that history should serve as a lesson in recognizing the pivotal role of youth in the nation's development.

"Hence, a young leader is not necessarily incapable. Solo has produced many remarkable leaders," Prabowo concluded.